Installing JMeter on CentOs(Will work on most Linux versions)

Hello guys.

Today I'm going to describe how you can successfully install Apache JMeter on your Linux system.

Before install make sure you have installed Java 1.5 or newer version in your System.

Then you will need to download Apache JMeter.

Download the zip file of the jmeter. (In my case I will be downloading

Now open the terminal and follow given instructions.

type 'su' (without quoats. This will change your user mood into root)
Provide the root password.

Ok now you are the man..
Can you remember where you saved
 If you don't make sure to check where you saved that file.

now type following code

cd /var/www/html

Now you have to copy to this directory.For that you need to know where you saved the zip file.

(in my case I did like

cp /home/djclans/Downloads/ ./

Note :In terminal, codes are case sensitive. And there is a space between and ./)

Next you have to unzip the archive. In order to do that you need unzip installed in your system. If you don't just type yum install unzip and it will be installed.

To unzip the archive,


After completing the unzip process go inside that folder and you will find bin
folder. Go inside that too.

cd apache-jmeter-2.7/bin

Now everything is ready........

Ok now lets fire it up...

sh jmeter

few seconds later GUI will pop up.

And now we are done..

See you later guys.....


  1. Good post. I was looking for this for a long time. Thanx mate!!!

  2. Great Post.. Keep writing

  3. why are you putting the jmeter source in cd /var/www/html

  4. Awesome, thanks aton :)

  5. What is the purpose of var/www/html here? Just extract it, run sh bin/ and you are good to go

  6. i am getting error on centos, my jmeter version is 3.1 on CENTOS OS. could any one through some light on this. see the error below...

    No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.

    Thanks in advance
