Hi all, it's been a while since I blogged last time. I am following a course on High performance computing in the university and one module of the course was about MPI (Message Passing Interface). MPI is being used to develop parallel programs. This post will not cover depths of MPI but will just give a brief introduction. However I'll post a link at the end so that you can learn more about MPI if you are interested.

Currently MPI runs on virtually any hardware platform. While developing application on MPI, programmer is responsible for correctly identifying parallelism.

There are various implementations of MPI exists. ex: mpich, LAM/MPI. Installation of different implementations have different steps.

Installation guide for mpich.

Installation guide for LAM/MPI

After the installation, to run MPI program you need a machines file. This is just a text file with the IP addresses of the each machine you will be using.

Ex: (file name: machines)

You can use the default cc compiler to compile standard C source files. However you will have to use mpicc compiler to compile MPI source files and you will need mpirun to execute MPI executable file.

mpicc -o program program.c

mpirun -np x -machinefile machines program

np: number of processes.
x: is an integer number. ex: 4
machinefile: path for the machines file.

All the MPI related functions have the following format.


you can find more information about above function calls in the detailed guide I have linked in the bottom.

Lets look at a simple MPI program.

This will give following output.
 After modifying it to display the host name.

Now lets look at the a Matrix Multiplication with sequential approach and with MPI approach.

Code for sequential approach. (mm.c)
Code for MPI approach.

Little explanation for the MPI approach:

Plan is to split the multiplication in to several parts and distribute it among different worker nodes so they can separately compute and finally merge the results.

To distribute multiplication we can divide number of rows in the first matrix to the required amount of pieces. For example we will divide the first 4x4 matrix to two parts as follows.

With these two sets we can use entire second matrix to calculate the top and bottom parts of the final output. (Little bit of thinking will make you understand the concept)

Above code will read the number of tasks and identify number of workers. (Master will not do any work other than distributing and merging the arrays).

C uses row-major ordering to store arrays in the memory. So to send 2 rows to one of the worker machine you can use the following code.

MPI_Send(&a[offset][0], rows*N, MPI_DOUBLE,dest,1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

Here, rows*N number of elements from array "a" starting from [offset][0] position will be transferred to the worker machine.

MPI_Send(&b, N*N, MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

Above line says that N*N elements from array "b" will be send to the worker machine.

I think above explanation is enough to understand the entire code. If you have any questions please do comment.

Above sources are given for 4x4 matrix. I tested two sources with 1000x1000 matrix and the execution times are as follows.

Note: Above MPI approach will use only worker machines to the computation. I have modified the code little bit so the Master node will also participate for  the computation. Also I have removed the code lines which are related to printing the matrices so that only the run time will be printed in the screen.

By using 4 machines for the multiplication it was able to reduce run time by approximately 20 seconds. Impressive. :)

By using compiler optimizations you might be able to reduce the run time even more. Give it a try.

Most of the codes were taken from the sample materials which were provided with the course. So the credits should go for the original authors of those sources.

Detailed guide on MPI.

Update: I compiled the sequential code with different compiler optimization levels and were able to reduce the run time to nearly 10 seconds.
During my internship at 99X Technology, interns decided to do a project to help university students with their projects. Final outcome was the "Tech Talk" video tutorial series. I was lucky to conduct the first video tutorial on Version Control Systems. In this talk I'm focusing into Git version control system. You can find the video below.

You can find the slides below.

If you have any questions you can comment here or in the Dotitude page of 99X Technology.
If you don't have Latest VirtualBox guest additions installed you may have a low screen resolution like 640*480. To fix this you need to install the latest Guest additions in Ubuntu. Open up a new terminal. You can use Ctrl+Alt+T to open up a new terminal. type the following command, sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms This will install the latest guest additions to your system. After completing the setup process, restart your PC to enjoy the new resolution.
Hi guys,

When you are developing web applications sometimes you may have to export some of your DIV elements as pdfs or print them. I faced it. Search a lot in the net but did not find any good solution ubt found many options like calling to server to execute some scripts and do the thing. But that was not my case. I wanted to do it in the client side.

I found a solution. Actually this is not THE solution as this method will not directly do the thing. But using this method you will be able to get a PDF output of your html div element.

This is a simple jQuery plugin called printThis. This plugin will try to print the given div element. When we try to print, we can get a PDF output through it. Now that's what we want right?

First of all install jQuery to your page. And download the above mentioned plugin and install it as well.

Then use the following code to print the div.

       debug: false,                                       // show the iframe for debugging
       importCSS: true,                                // import page CSS
       printContainer: true,                          // grab outer container as well as the contents of the selector
       loadCSS: "path/to/my.css",               // path to additional css file
       pageTitle: "",                                     // add title to print page
       removeInline: false                           // remove all inline styles from print elements
 Legal disclaimer: Only run ZAP against your own environments, i.e. Test, Staging environments. It is illegal to attack websites from competitors or other people.

This tutorial is written using the knowledge I gathered at a hackathon we did at 99X Technology.

Tools :


Download and install Zed Proxy server and start the app.

 Now to start with lets do a quick attack to our test site. insert your test site url to the field of "Url to Attack" and click on "Attack". For this test I will use a web application I developed. It is hosted in a IIS server hosted in the local machine it self. :)

"http://localhost:6406" is my Url to attack.

You will see a output like this. Attack results can be viewed in the "Attack" tab. After going through the analysis report, you can take necessary actions to protect your web applications from attackers.

If you want to test your web application against a specific type of attack you can right click the site which is listed in the sites tree view, right click on the site you want to test and then under attack you have several types of attack to test your application.

Updated Note:

To integrate Zed with your TFS build server, please refer following tutorial. Since it is almost a complete and very much descriptive tutorial I will not explain it here again. Credits should go to it's rightful author.



Another tool to test SQL Injections and XSS attacks is W3AF. A tutorial video on how to use the tool is given below. Video

Some other tools you can test your application are given below.

Wapiti : http://wapiti.sourceforge.net/
Wikito : http://research.sensepost.com/tools/web/wikto
Websecurify (Only few tools are available free. others are commercial plans) :

For a complete list of testing apps, click here